As the world of digital marketing evolves, the master of search engines continues to make amendments in its algorithms to accommodate the new changes. Yes, you must have guessed by now that we are referring to Google and its ranking algorithms. The search engine giant announced last week that the sites which feature responsive web design and are more mobile-friendly will have improved rankings on the SERPs.
In simple terms, it means that websites with responsive web design, compatible with different screen sizes—tabs, laptops, mobiles, etc.—will attract better rankings in the search results than those that are not.
Why Your SEO Efforts Need Responsive Web Design
This means that all the hard work put in by site owners on SEO would not be sufficient to sustain their ranks, which may crumble like a house of cards. However, this can also be seen as an opportunity for webmasters to improve search rankings by incorporating responsive web design, which could otherwise take months of effort. Responsive web design gives webmasters a chance to enhance their sites and achieve better results.
OG Web Solutions has helped many clients take a big leap toward making their sites mobile-friendly. Get in touch to benefit from Google’s new update with responsive web design.