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Top 5 Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Top 5 Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Designing a Website is an art, and it’s shockingly easy to mess it up. With our web design tips, we expect you to be off to a good start to improve your online presence.

Designing a Website is an art, and it’s shockingly easy to mess it up.

A tiny mistake is more than enough to convert an award-worthy and good looking site into a urgh-I’m-never-visiting-this-site-ever-again moment.

And it’s the common mistakes we see again and again. Continue to read on to spot some of the most frequent web design mistakes to avoid making them yourself…

1. A Lack of Clear Call to Action

Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid - OG Web Solutions
Missing a good CTA (call to action) is perhaps one of the major small business website mistakes we observe across the board.

The most excellent website user experience must tell a client what, where, and how.

  • What to do?
  • Where to go?
  • How to fee?

Call to action (CTA) should generally appear at the end of content or a product review.

In other words, you have to place it strategically, where it will make the most sense.

2. Weak Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid - OG Web Solutions
SEO (Search engine optimization) is a set of rules for optimizing your website to reach higher rankings in search engine results. It is an excellent way to enhance your site’s quality by making it faster, easier to navigate, and user-friendly.

It’s difficult to say why lots of web designers and developers still ignore SEO. However, SEO requires good planning, just like some other part of the designing method does.

These days, it’s most frequently associated with the contents presented on a web page.

3. Lack of Design and Content Authenticity

Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid - OG Web Solutions
While working on a project that’s as challenging as website designing is, it’s possible to be tempted to take shortcuts.

And there is no better shortcut than just ripping off some other successful site’s design.

But if you’re doing the difficult job of designing your website yourself, you should stay away from being a copycat. And here are several logical reasons.

A website is generally the first contact an audience will have with a business.

It should wow, stun, and daze the client, and show up from the crowd of all the other similar websites.

If it’s not exceptional and gives off a déjà vu vibe, customers are likely to forget it the moment they leave the site.

You need to create an impression and be genuine, so avoid the consequences of hijacking some other site’s design.

4. Slow Page Speed

Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid - OG Web Solutions
Website visitors are pretty impatient nowadays and expect a page to load almost immediately.

Well, as it turns out, it was measured how long a standard user is ready to wait for a page to load. The magical quantity is only three seconds!

If your page takes longer than that to load, you’re incredibly likely to lose a possible customer.

So what to do to get better page speed?

Images and their size can influence page speed.

The same goes for videos and other visual elements of the page.

Decreasing the size of these things can be helpful to increase the speed of your site.

But far more important than all of that is a decent and reliable offshore hosting provider.

5. Disabling Zoom on Mobile Sites

Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid - OG Web Solutions
This isn’t only cringe-inducing, this is headache-inducing… like seriously!

If you visit a webpage on your cell phone that you would like to read, it’s rather annoying to find that you can not zoom-in the page to make the text big enough.

The consequence is that you will leave your visitors squinting at the tiny block of text, and sometimes, they’ll just leave.

Remember, now there are more mobile web users than desktop web users. Your website must be perfectly optimized for mobile users, in this day and age!

6. Ready to Improve Your Web Design?

Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid - OG Web Solutions
With these web design tips, we expect you to be off to a good start to improve your online presence.

Remember, always remember your target viewers and brand image during the website design process, from preparation to post-launch analysis.

Still in doubt, where to start? As a busy professional, you might consider hiring a web expert. This way, you can offer an optimal experience for clients that will eventually lead to sales.

It’s on you to choose how you’re going to optimize the pages, or how much information you’re going to make available.

Don’t forget to stay genuine, and don’t stop trying to create a site that loads faster.

The point was to bring in some regular web design mistakes and explain to you the way around them.

But if you are unsure about whether you can pull this off, it’s not the end of the world.

You can always place your exclusive idea in the professional hand of a web design company.

While it’s a more expensive alternative, you’ll save yourself a lot of frustration later on.

And you can not put a price on that.

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